Saturday, December 5, 2009

Idea 5: Link Your Website to First Place

Individuals who have taken our First Look Tour rave that First Place is Seattle’s best kept secret. (We’ve also been told it’s the best tour in town.)

But we don’t want to be a secret – we want to share our work! Today, you can support First Place by sharing a link to our website.

Our site traffic sources tells us that less than 15% of our traffic comes from search engines and the rest comes from other websites that link to First Place. This data tells us that we are reaching most of our new supporters through trusted referral sources, such as you.

If you support First Place, here’s how you can share a link to our website:
  • List us on your community giving page along with our logo.
  • Add a link to First Place in your personal email signature such as “First Place touched my heart today, what about you?” or “Did you know I volunteer at First Place?
  • Send an email to people on your team at work, or to your vendors, sharing a memory or thought about our mission or past volunteer work.
  • Send an email to your book club with a link to First Place.

Who are some of our most surprising referral sources from our Google Analytics this month?
If you do decide to link to us – please let us know and we’ll post an updated list.

Here is a copy of our logo if you would like to use it on your website.

Thank you for all of your support of our programs thus far. And remember to check back for daily updates and ideas! If you have any questions about the Idea a Day postings, please email Melissa Collett, Marketing & Events Manager.

Previous Idea a Day Posts:
Idea a Day Intro
Adopt a Classroom for the Holidays
Write a Review on
Be a Secret Santa for a Child
Make a Birthday Wish on Facebook

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