Friday, December 4, 2009

Idea 4: Make a Birthday Wish on Facebook

Happy Birthday to you! When your day comes, your Facebook page is letting your friends and family know exactly when to send you a special note.

Did you know that your Facebook page can also be used to make a difference in your community? By using the “Make a Birthday Wish for Charity” application on Facebook, you can have your Facebook community invest in organizations you care about, such as First Place.

So just how simple is it to add this application to your Facebook page? Just follow these steps:

1. Download Facebook's Causes Application if you haven't already.

2. You’ll then be directed to the Birthday Wish setup page. Step 3 on this page ("Select Your Birthday Cause")will allow you to add your cause, and don’t forget to search for and select "First Place”.

3. After you've completed these steps, help promote your Birthday Wish page to your friends using Facebook's suggestions! Here are some additional ways you can encourage friends and family to support First Place through your Birthday Wish by informing them that:

  • First Place educates and nurtures children whose families struggle with the risk or reality of homelessness, where we offer housing, culturally relevant education and support services.
  • Children can attend First Place School where they receive specialized attention, help catching up in school, plus meals, free bus transportation, counseling and health care services.
  • Family Homelessness is often invisible. Families with children often sleep in cars, motels, emergency shelters and in the spare bedroom of a friend or relative. Many are single parents escaping domestic violence and working to keep their children safe.
If you decide to use this application, we’d love to hear from you. And of course, don’t forget to Facebook friend us and join our Cause.

Thank you for all of your support of our programs thus far. And remember to check back for daily updates and ideas! If you have any questions about the Idea a Day postings, please email Melissa Collett, Marketing & Events Manager.

Previous Idea a Day Posts:
Idea a Day Intro
Adopt a Classroom for the Holidays
Write a Review on
Be a Secret Santa for a Child

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