Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Idea 16: Use Flex Spending to Donate First Aid Items

How many times do you get to the end of December and realize you haven't spent all of your Flex Plan on medical-related items?

If you have some money left in your flex spending account but don't need a box of band-aids, consider purchasing items you can donate to First Place.

As of January 1, First Place is losing our support from Health Care for the Homeless. Since our earliest days, this partnership has provided First Place with a nurse on-site 3 days a week and has taken care of almost all of the health needs of our children and families.

We now have to hire our own nurse and provide our own supplies for the first time in our 21 years.
We have a specific list of items that are needed to keep our First Aid Kit full. If you would like a copy of this list, email Chris Cooper, Director of Development and Marketing.

Thank you for all of your support of our programs thus far. And remember to check back for daily updates and ideas! If you have any questions about the Idea a Day postings, please email Melissa Collett, Marketing & Events Manager.

Previous Idea a Day Posts:
Tour First Place
Give a Birthday Gift
Skip the Office Party
Donate a Family Outing

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