Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 2 at IslandWood Camp

From 6:30am to 9:30pm on Tuesday, Feb. 3, First Grade 4th, 5th and 6th graders sped through field studies and lots of learning while playing at IslandWood. Because the students have been split into three field groups we're going to allow the pictures they and their field guides take to speak for the experience (with some modest explanations). Enjoy!

A new look on old lessons. First Place students from Team Wave relearned their ABCs (Antibiotics, Biotics and Culturals) with a hands (and feet) on experience in the forest, in the greenhouse and in the laboratory.

Each IslandWood activity has both time in the field and time in the classroom. As Team Marsh journaled on what they found in the organic-garden that provides food for our meals, Team Pond discussed their day-hike to the Harbor and a documentary on Bainbridge history.

Nature doesn't hold itself back at IslandWood. Break-time after an early breakfast brought a family of deer, hawks, eagles and adventurous squirrels.

At IslandWood there are a few constants. The Friendship Circle brings us all together every morning and evening. PROPS (Proper Respect of People Speaking) is expected of everyone equally. And the occasional chalk-board advertisement reminds of the things our different schools have in common.

Check back tomorrow!

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